The Death Project
Death is a topic which sooner or later everybody reflects upon but is a topic that rarely gets talked about as much as other things that matter to humans. Pandemic made me think of death in a new light. This project is an attempt to open up dense topics such as death and make it easy for discussions.

My Research Journey
This research started on with a personal enquiry to make sense of death, loss and grief. Driven by intuition, following the breadcrumbs I found my way, insights emerged and helped me make sense of the invisible ties of death with culture, religion, mythology, philosophy, human emotions, laws, ethics and rights of a human. 
World that I am imagining 
Empathy: Imagining creates understanding, in a particular, interactions in which we’re trying to figure out the thoughts and feelings of others. Scientists call this capacity of the brain to construct a map of other people’s intentions ‘theory of mind.’ Narratives offer a unique opportunity to engage this capacity, as we identify with characters’ longings and frustrations, guess at their hidden motives and track their encounters with friends and enemies, neighbors and lovers.”
Artifact 1: Movie
Before I start the story, I would like to say that this project is entirely my understanding and interpretation of the concepts from mythology.
This Project is about communicating my interpretation about some of the concepts I came up with during research.
The Entire purpose of the project is to evoke a thought in the viewers mind about topics related to death, afterlife, technology, culture by no means this is an attempt to mock or undermine any Indian values, culture and gods, whatsoever.

Artifact 2: Script/ Plot/ Characters
Artifact 3: AFLIC Website & Offerings
This is the official website of the After Life Insurance Corporation with it's products and offerings. There are services such as Data Health Services, Alias Photos, Grief companion services and Digital Will and Termination.
Artifact 4: Graphic  Storytelling
To represent the conflicts of the world imagined, form needed embodiment and genesis of characters, their needs motivations, interactions with each other. The conflicts they encounter and the resolutions or make do arrangements the society makes in order to sail through. Intension of this exercise is to engage in a dialogue with the future.
Storybook : Here is a graphical representation of the concept to engage in with a dialogue with the future.
Artifact 4: AFLIC Policy Document
The policy document lists all important mentions of the policies sold by AFLIC with the *conditions apply*
How this project helped me save a Dog :  During the entire tenure of the project I had so many learning but the sweetest was the one in which I was able to use the knowledge acquired from this project and was able to apply in real life.
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